Are Your Jowls Getting You Down?

Are you prone to lifting the sides of your face whilst looking in your bathroom mirror and wondering whether your jowls are practising social distancing too? Maybe you take numerous selfies at that certain magical angle or suffer from ‘jawline envy’ and wonder how it is some women over a certain age just have an amazingly sharp and defined jawline?

You may already have tried the latest lotions, potions and facial exercises or even researched on the internet about possibly going under the knife at some point?! If one or all of the above applies to you, then I will be able to help.

One of the most common questions I get asked by my patients is: “How can I get rid of my jowls?”

The answer is that apart from surgery, there are various non-invasive solutions to this common problem. The right combination of the right treatments will give you visibly improved results. But first, let’s look quickly at why our jowls do drop as we age, so you can fully understand which treatments are appropriate.

Together with genetic influences, jowls start to appear due to these three inevitable factors of ageing:

  • Our facial bones begin to shrink
  • The puzzle of plump and tightly packed ‘fat pads’ diminish and descend downward
  • Our collagen levels (aka the matrix of our skin which makes it firm and bouncy) dramatically plummets too

So what can we do to prevent jowls?

  • Firstly, we can employ excellent self-care strategies, such as:
  • Good nutrition
  • Good sun protection (minimum SPF 30-50) every day of the year
  • Not smoking or drinking
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Maintaining good hydration
  • Use high quality, medically graded skincare products (especially antioxidants and prescribed topical Retinol)

And here’s my unique 3 Step Ultimate Jowl Lift Programme:

Step 1

Prescribe a topical Retinol cream to stimulate your collagen production to give support and structure back into your skin.

Step 2

Dermal fillers to mimic and replace your bone structure, which is the underlying scaffolding for facial support to naturally lift your cheeks and redefine your jawline.

Step 3

Receive 1 to 3 skin tightening treatments with UltraCelQ+, the latest ultrasound based technology.  This is a pain-free and fast acting ‘coffee break’ treatment with no downtime, which stimulates the growth of fresh, new collagen with no skin surface damage.

Get in touch

I’d be very happy to discuss anything in this blog with you – or indeed, any other concerns you may have – via a virtual consultation. If any of these treatments are of interest to you or we can help with anything else, please contact Julie Fell, our Practice Manager, to arrange your FaceTime slot with me.

In the meantime, please stay safe and well and we look forward to hearing from you!